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* string functions
package helper
import (
func ToString(v interface{}) string {
var value string
switch v.(type) {
case string:
value = v.(string)
case int:
value = strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
case float64:
value = strconv.FormatFloat(v.(float64), 'f', 2, 64)
case float32:
value = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v.(float32)), 'f', 2, 64)
case int64:
value = strconv.FormatInt(v.(int64), 10)
case []uint8:
value = string(v.([]uint8))
// case []byte:
// value = string(v.([]byte))
case interface{}:
value = v.(string)
case nil:
value = ""
log.Println("参数值类型错误", v, "not in string|int|float64|interface|int64")
return strings.Trim(value, " ")
func ToStr(v interface{}) string {
var value string
switch v.(type) {
case string:
value = v.(string)
case int:
value = strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
case float64:
value = strconv.FormatFloat(v.(float64), 'f', 0, 64)
case float32:
value = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v.(float32)), 'f', 0, 64)
case int64:
value = strconv.FormatInt(v.(int64), 10)
case []uint8:
value = string(v.([]uint8))
// case []byte:
// value = string(v.([]byte))
case interface{}:
value = v.(string)
case nil:
value = ""
log.Println("参数值类型错误", v, "not in string|int|float64|interface|int64")
return strings.Trim(value, " ")
func ToFloat64(v interface{}) (float64, error) {
var value float64
var err error = nil
switch v.(type) {
case string:
v_tmp := v.(string)
value, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v_tmp, 64)
case int:
value = float64(v.(int))
case int64:
value = float64(v.(int64))
case float64:
value = v.(float64)
case interface{}:
value = v.(float64)
case nil:
value = 0
err = errors.New("参数值类型错误")
log.Println("参数值类型错误", v, "not in string|int|float64|interface|int64")
return value, err
func ToInt(inter interface{}) int {
var value int
switch inter.(type) {
case string:
value, _ = strconv.Atoi(inter.(string))
case int:
value = inter.(int)
case int64:
value = int(inter.(int64))
case float64:
value, _ = strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%1.0f", inter))
case nil:
value = 0
case interface{}:
value = inter.(int)
log.Println("参数值类型错误", inter, "not in string|int|float64|interface|int64")
return value
func ToInt64(inter interface{}) int64 {
var value int64
switch inter.(type) {
case string:
value, _ = strconv.ParseInt(inter.(string), 10, 64)
case int:
value = int64(inter.(int))
case int64:
value = inter.(int64)
case float64:
value_int, _ := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%1.0f", inter))
value = int64(value_int)
case nil:
value = 0
case interface{}:
if _, ok := inter.(int64); !ok {
value = inter.(int64)
log.Println("参数值类型错误", inter, "not in string|int|float64|interface|int64")
return value
func GetRandomString(length int) string {
str := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
bytes := []byte(str)
result := []byte{}
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
result = append(result, bytes[r.Intn(len(bytes))])
return string(result)
func GetRandomNumber(length int) string {
str := "0123456789"
bytes := []byte(str)
result := []byte{}
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
result = append(result, bytes[r.Intn(len(bytes))])
return string(result)
* 字符串转大驼峰 ios_bbbbbbbb -> IosBbbbbbbbb
func StrFirstToUpper(str string) string {
temp := strings.Split(str, "_")
var upperStr string
for y := 0; y < len(temp); y++ {
vv := []rune(temp[y])
for i := 0; i < len(vv); i++ {
if i == 0 {
vv[i] -= 32
upperStr += string(vv[i])
} else {
upperStr += string(vv[i])
return upperStr
* 是否存在在字符切片中
func IsInStringArray(arr []string, str string) bool {
var isIn bool = false
length := len(arr)
if length < 1 {
return false
for _, item := range arr {
if item == str {
isIn = true
return isIn
* 删除多余空格
* 2019/05/05
func DeleteExtraSpace(s string) string {
s1 := strings.Replace(s, " ", " ", -1) //替换tab
regstr := "\\s{2,}" //两个及两个以上空格的正则表达式
reg, _ := regexp.Compile(regstr) //编译正则表达式
s2 := make([]byte, len(s1))
copy(s2, s1)
spc_index := reg.FindStringIndex(string(s2)) //在字符串中搜索
for len(spc_index) > 0 {
s2 = append(s2[:spc_index[0]+1], s2[spc_index[1]:]...) //删除多余空格
spc_index = reg.FindStringIndex(string(s2))
return string(s2)
* 连接多个字符串
* 2019/05/05
func StringJoin(s ...string) string {
var build strings.Builder
if len(s) > 0 {
for _, v := range s {
return build.String()
* 连接url
* 2019/05/05
func UrlJoin(host, url string) string {
if strings.Contains(url, "http://") {
return url
if strings.Contains(url, "https://") {
return url
return StringJoin(host, url)